My Originals
Here you can see my latest original Artworks!
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Hanging Gardens of Andromeda
In the vastness of the universe, mathematical structures unfold, revealing a profound harmony and beauty. The golden ratio, the Fibonacci sequence, and other algorithmic patterns permeate the fabric of the cosmos, influencing the shape and development of galaxies, stars, and even our own bodies.
The golden ratio, a ratio obtained by dividing a line into two segments so that the ratio of the whole to the longer segment is equal to the ratio of the longer segment to the shorter one, is a constant that is found in the beauty standards of nature and art. From the proportions of flower petals and leaves to the spiral structures of seashells and spiral galaxies, the golden ratio bears witness to a deeply rooted order in the universe.
Equally fascinating is the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on. This mathematical pattern is reflected in numerous natural phenomena, from the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower to the branching of trees and the spiral structures of hurricanes. The Fibonacci sequence seems to represent a sort of universal blueprint that influences growth and shaping in nature.
Modern technology allows us to delve deeper into and understand these algorithmic structures in the universe. Through powerful computers and advanced algorithms, we can analyze complex data and identify patterns based on the principles of the golden ratio, the Fibonacci sequence, and other mathematical relationships.
We can study spiral galaxies in the distant cosmos, examining their structure and formations based on algorithmic principles. We can scrutinize the growth patterns of plants and the arrangement of flower petals to reveal the mathematical regularities that underlie them.
However, while technology aids us in recognizing these patterns, we must remain humble and acknowledge that these algorithmic principles are a reflection of a deeper order in the universe that we only partially comprehend. They are part of a captivating symphony of existence that still puzzles us.
The impact of modern technology on our understanding of algorithmic structures in the universe is of immense significance. By unveiling and comprehending these patterns, new avenues of knowledge and inspiration open up to us. We can draw inspiration from the harmony and beauty of mathematical principles in the universe and incorporate them into art, architecture, and design.

Natures Desire
I realise how many people around me are concerned about the environment and how humans treat animals in nature. With advancing technology, we have managed to utilise the potential of nature for ourselves. But are we neglecting the welfare of the animals themselves? I would like to emphasise the urgent need to think about the effects of technological progress on our environment and the animal world.

Maats Plan
The painting "Maat's Plan" deals with the intertwining of the beliefs of the ancient Egyptian civilisation and the stars.
The stars served the Egyptians as celestial landmarks for navigation and for determining the seasons. The constellation of the Great Bear guided them in the alignment of their pyramids to emphasise the connection between heaven and earth.
As the stars are still used today for navigation and inspire people to create art and culture, they are a great source of inspiration for Lars.
In difficult times, they act as a rock for the artist.
The name "Maats plan" is derived from the goddess of justice and truth "Maat". Lars sees her as a connection between humanity and the cosmos.

Integral Connectivity
In the depths of nature and the cosmos, countless secrets reveal themselves to us, encrypted messages waiting to be deciphered by attentive minds. The essence of these mysteries, woven into the fabric of the universe, is often unveiled through the lens of geometry and forms. One such symbol of universal order and connection is the torus, whose significance extends beyond physical boundaries into metaphysical dimensions.
The torus, a three-dimensional representation of the mathematical form of the circle, manifests itself in nature in diverse ways. From the structure of fruits to the flow of water and the formation of galaxies, the torus permeates the fabric of existence. This omnipresent form seems to play a key role in understanding the fundamental structure of the universe, as if it were an archetypal blueprint for cosmic harmony and balance.
Geometry itself, whether in the crystalline structure of minerals or in the spiral patterns of galaxies, functions as the artistic language of nature. It's as if the cosmic quill, in the hands of creation, selects these forms and patterns as an expression of its innermost essence. These forms serve not only as aesthetic manifestations but also as cognitive bridges for the human imagination, which strives to unravel the secrets of the universe.
In the endeavor to fathom these mysteries, humanity rises as a researcher and explorer. Armed with science and art as tools, humans attempt to decipher the codes of nature. Through telescopes and microscopes, they broaden their perspectives to delve into the depths of the cosmos and the microscopic world. In doing so, they discover that the same geometric principles operate on macro and micro levels, recognizing the universal connection that permeates everything.
